The Crown Estate
The Crown Estate’s (TCE) innovative demonstration project in Knutsford, Cheshire tackles some of the UK’s most pressing housing challenges including affordability, carbon emissions and biodiversity loss, creating a replicable blueprint for low-carbon, high-quality living to be used across the country.
igloo has been selected as the development partner of The Crown Estate to deliver the exciting residential development scheme. We will build exemplar net zero housing, drawing on our experience and best practice in sustainable design and construction, and promoting innovation to minimise operational and embodied carbon.
As a demonstration project, the intent at Knutsford is to push boundaries and build an understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with delivering exemplary homes and infrastructure that meet industry leading, net zero and low-carbon standards. The homes will align with ambitious environmental targets and embrace regenerative and circular economy principles.
The Crown Estate is the funder and lead client, igloo is providing a full development management service to take the project through design, planning, construction, sales, handover, and management.