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complaints policy

PfP igloo General Partner Ltd Complaints Handling Procedure


If you have any initial complaints, you will need to formally direct these through your sales agents. Your agents will try to deal with your complaint directly, but should they be unable to provide you with a satisfactory response, PfP igloo will be contacted.

Post Sale

Your home is a bespoke, hand-made product, and whilst all reasonable endeavours are made to deliver a defect-free home there may be a requirement for remedial and repair works and replacement of defective items after you have purchased the home. Igloo on behalf of PfP igloo will provide a Customer Services operation to deal with these items, details of this can be found within your Home User Guide.

If you believe the Customer Services response is inadequate, we have failed to do something that we should have done, something has been done badly or that we have treated you unfairly or discourteously then your initial complaints should be made formally to the Customer Care team at igloo, at the e mail address detailed below

Informal Complaints

If you are able to resolve any issue informally with the igloo Customer Care team and are happy with the outcome, then you need not use our formal complaints procedures. If, however, you are not satisfied that the problem has been resolved or handled to your satisfaction, you may wish to make a formal complaint

PfP igloo Formal Complaints Policy

PfP igloo is committed to provide customers with a high standard of products and service, so please let us know if you feel we fall short of this.

This policy will help you to:-

  • Issue a complaint
  • Ensure it is addressed in a reasonable and timely manner
  • Ensure you are satisfied with our response
How to Issue a complaint

You can issue a formal complaint by sending an e-mail or letter to:

Customer Care, PfP igloo General Partner Ltd, Birkin Building, 2 Broadway, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1PS

 Your complaint will need to include the following information:-

  • Your full name
  • Your contact details including email and telephone number
  • Your full address and customer reference number
  • The nature of your complaint – please try to give as much detail as possible.

We will endeavour to respond to your complaint within 5 working days of the complaint initiation date*; within this response we will tell you

  • How your complaint has been dealt with or why it could not be addressed
  • What happens next

Please note complex issues may take some time but we will keep in contact and let you know where we are up to.

What happens next?
  • We will write to you within a 5 day period of the complaint initiation date* to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.
  • After reviewing and investigating your complaint we will send you an assessment letter to set out a path to resolution, within a 10 day period of the complaint initiation date*.
  • We will send out full complaint assessment response no later than 30 calendar days of the complaint initiation date* assessment letter. If the complaint has been resolved, this letter will confirm what steps were taken to close the issue raised. In the event that the resolution is still underway, the response will detail what has caused the delay, and the anticipated date for resolution.
  • In the unlikely event that the complaint is not resolved by 56 days from the complaint initiation date* we will send a further response to provide information on what has caused the delay, what are the next steps and the anticipated date for resolution. We will also keep you updated no less than every 30 days until the matter is resolved.
  • Closure letter – once the complaint has been closed we will write to you to inform you of this and the reasons as to why the complaint has been closed.

*The complaints initiation date (CID) is the first working day after a complaint is received. Thus, if a complaint is received on a Monday, the CID is the following Tuesday. If a complaint is received on a Saturday, the CID will the following Monday (excluding public holidays)

Escalating complaints

Ideally we will resolve your complaint quickly and completely – however if you are not satisfied with our response, Senior Management can review your case further.

If you feel that the complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with you can escalate your problem to:

  • The Head of igloo Customer Care
  • The Chief Executive

Contact details for these will be made available by our upon request.

We hope that we can resolve most matters without the need for further escalation. However, if your complaint is not resolved in accordance with this procedure, or you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, then you may be able to refer your complaint to and dispute resolution service offered by your warranty provide (please see your Home User Guide for further information), or the New Homes Ombudsman Service.

It is within the New Homes Ombudsman Service’ discretion to decide whether to accept a complaint, in accordance with the scheme rules. The New Homes Ombudsman Service can accept complaints that have arisen within two years of legal completion. After this, disputed within the structural warranty period may be refered to the New Home Warranty Provider.

NHBC (or alternative warranty provider) Dispute Resolution Scheme

If you feel that your complaint has not been dealt with within a reasonable amount of time, or that you are not satisfied with the final outcome, NHBC offer a dispute resolution scheme.

NHBC’s main number is 0344 633 1000, which is available from Monday to Friday between the hours of 08.30 and 17.30.

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