We recognise the importance of social capital, and will work with our clients, stakeholders and local Communities to promote its creation.
Underpinned by six sustainability principles, our industry-leading Footprint® methodology drives everything we do, ensuring each project ties back to our mission to find better ways of delivering development for People, Place and Planet.
Following a guided process, each of our developments generate positive impacts for the Communities we work with, and demonstrate added value for our investors.
Since day one we’ve been breaking new ground, and as we’ve grown our impact has only accelerated. The industry-leading stats recorded in our latest 2023-2024 reporting period are highlighted here...
well-connected, urban, brownfield sites
invested in the top 10% of most deprived neighbourhoods
of carbon offset by igloo through the HACT scheme, supporting the retrofit of social homes
residents and stakeholders engaged in-person across the neighbourhoods and cities in which we work
of schemes providing new Community spaces
jobs supported across our Communities
“Footprint®’s underlying principles offer a sound methodology in developing strategies, tracking performance, and delivering more sustainable project outcomes.”
JLL audit of Footrpint, 2023
We recognise the importance of social capital, and will work with our clients, stakeholders and local Communities to promote its creation.
We create buildings and places that help maximise wellbeing.
We take a holistic approach to context, urban design, movement, building typology, place activation / programming and identity.
We develop green and blue, ecologically diverse neighbourhoods.
We create places that are mindful of Circular Economy principles.
We are driving towards carbon-positive, zero-bills homes and workspaces.
Our Footprint® Advisory Board bring a wealth of expertise to Footprint®, providing scrutiny and insight. Meeting regularly and visiting our projects throughout the year, they actively challenge us to improve our performance and deliver industry-leading outcomes.
Chair, holds several roles including Senior advisor to Systemiq; Special Advisor to CBRE and NED at Willmott Dixon
OBE, Deputy Chair, Professor of Practice in Future Cities at Cardiff University
CBE, Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at the London School of Economics
OBE, Architect and Senior Partner of Penoyre & Prasad
View our 2023-2024 Impact report to discover the beautiful, unique transformations we continue to deliver across the UK, as well as an honest reflection of our work as we look to what responsible development should look like over the next 20 years and beyond.
download our report